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Global Online Gambling Market Shows Constant Growth


Have you ever tried to predict the future of the global online gambling market? Or have you ever thought about the growth of the industry? That’s why we are here to reveal the facts about the trends of global online gambling market.

Solid and Aggregated Prosperity

According to research estimations, the industry can expect a massive 11% growth between 2016-2020. The whole gambling platform includes over 85 countries with regulated online gambling markets. As the American Gaming Association (AGA) estimates, the global online gambling market generates $37 annually.

Global Online Gambling Market and The Strongest Contributors

The continent which has the greatest position on the global market is Europe. The European Commission is estimating to experience a 15% growth rate, while already generating $15 billion yearly.

The most extensive market in Europe is the United Kingdom. The country has more than 18 million gambling accounts – this explains the reasons of major gambling problems in the nation – and many legalized operating gambling businesses. Going forward in this question, according to a report announced by the UK Gambling Commission, between the period of 2005-2009, the rate of online slots playing has increased 328%.

Drivers in the Background of the Significant Rise

Obviously the major drivers in the steady growth of the global online gambling market are technology related. The fast paced developments bring new possibilities into online gambling market. The dominance of mobile using over PCs plays a major role in the expansion of online gambling. However, these factors – technical developments – also function as risk factors in the security of users by rising problems associated with the risks of cyber security. These issues demand quick solutions for the emerging situation because users of online gambling sites may become victims of cyber-crimes.

The precise report, published on Online Casino Reports, has promising predictions about the growth of the industry. This report was based on a research conducted by a consulting firm specialized in research reports, Daedal Research. They published the results titled, Global Online Gambling Market: Trends and Opportunities (2015-2020). The main conclusions of this report provide a snapshot about the current gambling market trends.

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About the author

Journalist, sociologist, passionate about writing and music. Especially jazz music, so can be defined as a jazz journalist too. Besides these, loves writing about everything from extreme sports to gambling or fashion sociology. Wine, Coffee and Winter fan, and a real OPTIMIST.

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