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Eagle Mountain Casino, Where a Charity Program is Not a Joke


Eagle Mountain Casino is doing something distinguishing in terms of business. The casino located in California, Porterville where raising money for charitable purposes is not a cheap farce. The operator of the gambling venue is the native American Tule River Indian Tribe.

The casino has been a supporter of the local non-profit organizations since 2013. Under the Charter Fundraising Program there are around 20 organizations have registered. All affected members of the partnered clubs are provided to spend a night at a casino for a $25 free play coupon. Moreover, drink and food is free for them along with four hours of gaming.

As the coordinator of the Family Crisis Centre, Krystle Contreras declared, funds raised are used to help in building programs including emergency shelters for homeless people. The amount they raised helped to build homes for 38 families monthly and 500 families annually.

One other sponsored organization used the money to support a scholarship program of St. Anne’s Catholic School.

The casino’s charitable activity is quite remarkable, as the list of benefited organizations shows. Ten local body is supported including Porterville Elks Lodge, the Family Crisis Centre, Porterville Historical Museum and St. Phillips Church among others.

The entertainment coordinator of the Eagle Mountain Casino, Rachel McDarment said despite their limited financial possibilities the like being a help of the local people in need. And it seems ‘vica versa’. The self-governing tribe have always been trying to find the way in terms of helping and supporting local culture and developments.

Facts You Want to Know About Eagle Mountain Casino

Eagle Mountain Casino is the only casino operated by the tribe which offers daily non-stop gambling opportunities. It has more than 1400 slot machines, Blackjack, Keno and also Video Poker. With its’ 12 table games, live poker tournament and many dining facilities Eagle Mountain casino offers a real unique experience for hungry gamesters in the middle of the San Joaquin Valley.

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About the author

Journalist, sociologist, passionate about writing and music. Especially jazz music, so can be defined as a jazz journalist too. Besides these, loves writing about everything from extreme sports to gambling or fashion sociology. Wine, Coffee and Winter fan, and a real OPTIMIST.

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