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Casino legalisation in Myanmar under consideration


Located in Southeast Asia, casino legalisation in Myanmar is currently being processed. The state which is bordered by India and Bangladesh is presently valuing how creating new gambling laws could boost the economy. Their neighbours, Thailand and China had a great influence in their decisions to re-establish the current gambling laws. We take a look.

The country will be following the footsteps of Thailand, China and India should they decide to facilitate casinos. It is because of tourism, that has lead to this revising attempt to open the case ‘gambling laws in Myanmar’. Could gambling in Myanmar truly become a reality? According to a report in the Myanmar Times newspaper, that could become an eventual truth. Before continuing, we advise you to get accustomed to all the latest online gambling news circling the betting world today.

Casino Legalisation in Myanmar is going to be inspected into greater detail

Although Myanmar is not thought as being a popular city for gambling, the government are considering opening casinos in hotels. As we all know, hotels are where tourists stay which could increase tourism in the country providing for a better economy.

The report from the newspaper quoted Aung Naing Oo, director-general of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration:

“The amendment is being introduced by the Ministry of Home Affairs”

The Myanmar ministry has further claimed that a number of casino operators have shown interest in investing in the country.

Would you visit Myanmar for a gambling expedition?

Amongst other fascinating places to visit the Buddhist temples in Bagan, the planned casinos could spice up your adventure. Moreover, the Myanmar Times included another quotation from the chairman of the Myanmar Tourism Federation, Yan Win. When speaking of the revised tourism bill about a stipulation that allows casinos to operate within hotels:

“However, if the Gambling Law is not amended, casinos will not be allowed to operate, even if it is with a hotel,”

It seems to be that Myanmars persons in power are all slowly coming to the conclusion that casino legalisation in Myanmar could benefit the country. It would certainly boost the tourism around the place and would also create a more 21st century atmosphere. Although the region is set in a historic area which borders two different zones in Asia, their own economy would create its own profit.

Would you be interested in visiting Myanmar? We ask you to question whether an additional casino bonus would give the state an improved dimension to it. Take into consideration in Myanmar, more than 85% of inhabitants are Buddhists. To learn more about Buddhism and gambling, please do read up on this gambling and religion article which will explain all.







About the author

Simon is a University student majoring in the field of Communication. Since a young age, his two passions are writing and sports. Originally from England, the Premier League is an important part of his life.

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