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Quote Roll: February 17, 2016


We are rolling the quotes in the deep while singing in the rain today in this February 17 edition of your favorite Quote Roll. This week’s episode is full of inspiring quotes from five famous figures who dwelt on this Earth in different centuries. Well, actually we haven’t invited only dead people. We also have 21st century celebrities among us.

After last week’s only boys party, we have female guests as well in this episode. Our guests today are famous American author Elizabeth Gilbert, well-known Irish novelist, playwright, and poet Oscar Wilde,  American keynote speaker Tim Fargo, ones of the founders of the U.S.A. Thomas Jefferson and pop music figure Lady Gaga. Let’s start rolling!

elizabeth gilbertElizabeth Gilbert – “Maybe the difference between the first marriage and second marriage is that the second time at least you know you are gambling.”

Elizabeth Gilbert is constructing a conceptual metaphor with a source domain gambling and target domain marriage. Or she believes that marriage can bring you a lot of wealth. Maybe she read our Online Gambling Guide for Beginners and realized that online gambling is not that difficult and can bring a lot of money to you. Long story short, eat, pray, gamble. Moreover, you don’t have to be married to gamble online.




oscar wildeOscar Wilde – “One should always play fairly when one has the winning cards.” 

Oscar Wilde knew how to attract girls, write stanzas and pros and probably gamble. Well, I don’t think PokerStars was live  at that time, but still gambling  there were different types of gambling in the 19th century Dublin. His quote can be regarded among the most logical gambling quotes ever. It highlights the virtues of gambling since you need to be fair to the other if you have the winning cards. What if you have the losing cards? Then you may apply any trick you can to change your fortune. Or you can simply play poker online in order not to deal with cheaters and crooks.




tim fargo

Tim Fargo – “The greatest risk is not taking any.”

Do you remember what dear Jennifer Aniston said previously? She said that “it is not gambling when you never lose.” Tim Fargo definitely supports this claim since he believes that the method of not taking risk wouldn’t carry you anywhere. You may lose for a while but you can’t keep losing anyways. For instance, if you read our Blackjack for Beginners guide, you will realize that risk taking is the way to success in Blackjack if you know what you are doing. Moreover, risk taking is fun. Go adventurous. If you are a worrier, get over your fear or read the Worrier’s guide to extreme sports.





thomas jeffersonThomas Jefferson – “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.”

Thomas Jefferson was a clever man undoubtedly. Therefore, he believed in the power of hard work. Many people think that gambling is all about luck. However, it is 70% knowledge, experience and dedication and 30% luck. Your luck won’t carry you much on the poker table unless you know all the tricks of the game. You can start with our Poker for Beginners Guide for the beginning.






Lady Gaga – “I wanna hold ’em like they do in Texas plays. Fold ’em, let ’em, hit me, raise it baby stay with me. Love game intuition play the cards with spades to start and after he’s been hooked I’ll play the one that’s on his heart. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-e-oh-oh-oh poker face.”

Let’s contemplate on the motives of the artist to play poker! Lady Gaga likes two different cards: hearts and spades, obviously. She draws similarity between real life and Texas Hold’em. She believes that her lover could be successful at poker since he has poker face, she can’t read it. Since she is not good at poker, she play the poker in the heart of the lover. So again love is like gambling and greetings to Elizabeth Gilbert.

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About the author

Keremcan is a devoted philologist by profession. He is a passionate supporter of his local football and basketball teams. Since he loves conducting extensive researches in eclectic fields, he has taken up the role of the head of the research team of Gambling Herald.

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