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Gambling Prevalence in the UK


The UK based employment agency, Reed has conducted a research regarding gambling prevalence throughout the UK. According to the latest report they revealed one in four people (28%) want to hide their gambling secret.

The sectors of the labor market with high gambling prevalence are including finance, accountancy and legal fields. In terms of all these scenes, over 34% of the workers worry about their gambling secret will be revealed by their colleagues.

The report urges businesses to take staff support more seriously in terms of problem gambling. The significance of employer support schemes were highlighted by the new release along with the prevention of gambling addiction.

The agency tries to use a new diagnostic tool in the identification of problem gamblers. Through the Problem Gambling Severity Index, providing appropriate services and therapies are in the focus of the organization.

Gambling Prevalence Determined by the Level of Responsibility

Responsibility can have a significant role in gambling activities. According to the report, those workers whose job involves management responsibility (45%) were likely to gambled more last year than those without management responsibility (39%).  The vast majority of people who answered (72%) think that businesses should be worried about the impacts of gambling on their employees.

Gambling Prevalence Determined by Labour Market Position

Not only employment but also unemployment can effect gambling prevalence. Those who are unemployed are subject to use fixed odds betting machines (FOBTs) more than those who are working, 4% vs 8%. Since the number of betting machines are estimated to 35,000 throughout the UK, someone takes a bet up to £100 in every 20 seconds. This fact costs much for a problem gambler who can lose up to £1,500 within 5 minutes. (And working for the same amount for a month.)

3% of UK’s adult population know someone who became unemployed due to problem gambling. From the other side these people are unable to get a job because of their compulsive gambling habit. This implies that gambling problems have an effect on the UK economy, because gambling can block people from seeking job or re-integrating into the labor market.

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About the author

Journalist, sociologist, passionate about writing and music. Especially jazz music, so can be defined as a jazz journalist too. Besides these, loves writing about everything from extreme sports to gambling or fashion sociology. Wine, Coffee and Winter fan, and a real OPTIMIST.

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