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How to Seek Help with Problem Gambling


You were gambling responsibly, but you slipped and now you see no way out of your addiction? Let’s avoid the speech TV evangelists give when they’re trying to sell you hopes and dreams, and instead concentrate on the things that can be done. For every problem there is a solution. And even if you’re not the one suffering from problem gambling, maybe there is someone close to you that you could help with some of the steps listed below.


Identify problematic patterns

Identifying certain patterns in your gambling behaviour is the first step in determining whether you have a case of problem gambling. According to Gamble Aware, it is far more likely that a person develops a problem if they have a “family history” of this case and also if they started gambling at a very young age. However, this doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to spot problem gambling patterns so easily, as this form of addiction is very different to other kinds of addictions. As opposed to drug or alcohol abuse, problem gambling has no visible effects on a person, unless they themselves tell you of their problem.

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(Image credit: New Health Guide)

Speak to a professional

Seek help from someone close to you – this should not be overlooked! This way you will receive emotional support in dealing with the matter at hand. They may not have the required skills to help you treat it, but it’s always a positive feeling knowing that you have someone to rely on.

To help overcome your problem, we suggest you speak to a professional who has some experience with this, to provide you at least some guidance on how to deal with problem gambling. There are a number of associations, councils and other support groups that offer a great deal of information about this. Many of them also offer helplines that have personnel on standby throughout most of the days. Find the list below with some of the most popular sites that can help you with problem gambling.


Gamble Aware

This is one of the most effective sites when it comes to dealing with problem gambling for UK citizens. There are all sorts of information about gambling in general and how to deal with problem gambling.


NCPG (National Council on Problem Gambling)

The Council’s main mission is to “lead state and national stakeholders in the development of comprehensive policy and programs for all those affected by problem gambling.”



Right after Gambling Aware comes GamCare – one of the leading associations concerning problem gambling. You can find abundant information that will give you advice, counselling and live support when you call them on the helpline.



This is a site that is oriented towards US citizens, and it’s quite helpful with a number of disorders. They have a helpline that is available 24/7, so you can call them at any given time and seek help with problem gambling.


Deciding on how to effectively treat problem gambling

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(Image credit: Capital Christian)

PsychGuides indicates there are three ways to treat problem gambling: psychotherapy, medication and support groups. All of these can have varying degrees of effect depending on the person suffering from problem gambling.

  • Psychotherapy is good for understanding the patterns and causes that lead to gambling abuse, if a person is oblivious to them on their own.
  • Taking medication can be tricky, because this, once again, is relative from person to person. Many times there’s a case where a person dealing with problem gambling is also suffering from other disorders. Nonetheless, at times medication can alleviate problem gambling, so it’s worth giving it a shot.
  • Numerous gambling associations and councils place a great deal of emphasis on support groups. Join Gamblers Anonymous or other similar groups to receive the additional support and insight on how to better deal with problem gambling.


Please take a look at the list of associations we have provided above; they feature useful information on how deal with problem gambling and potentially overcome it. If you would like some more details from us, let us know and we would be glad to offer a helping hand where we can. Remember, gambling is supposed to be fun and entertaining, but just watch out not to cross the line.

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About the author

Mark-Antonio Zivic used to be a professional footballer that won a record six Champions League medals... but decided to quit the game in his prime, believing he was better than both Ronaldo and Messi. Now he spends his time brainstorming ideas for Gambling Herald, before he ventures into Hollywood movies, rubbing shoulders with Daniel Day-Lewis and Sofia Vergara.

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