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New California Online Poker Bill to Cause Drastic Changes


California online poker legislation has new developments. New California Online Poker Bill may cease the existence of online poker sites in the state if the bill is accepted.

Two other lawmakers from the Golden State have filed another proposition in order to make a last attempt to regulate California online poker. Assemblymen Adam Gray and Reginald Jones-Sawyer filed the AB 2863 bill with controversial statements in it. There is a high chance that this bill will pass the senate approval since it has been a topic of discussion for six years.

Fight of Bills over California Online Poker

As a revival of the previous bill, the new one surprisingly omitted some fiscal references. As an example, it was clarified in AB 431 that 15% tax rate would be expected in the gross gambling revenue. However, this figure has been removed from the new proposition. According to online gambling news, it was proposed in the bill AB 431, that horse racing industry of California would earn up to $60 million yearly. In exchange for this supply, the racetracks would be excluded from California’s online poker industry. However, there is no guarantee that this deal will be accepted by the horse racing industry since $60 million revenue reflects a theoretical sum which may not be the real amount eventually.

Playing Online Poker At Unregulated Sites is a Crime

Current online gambling legislation in California doesn’t restrict players who want to play online poker in California. However, the new bill aims to remove international online poker sites from the market unless they obtain a special license for California. Moreover, online poker players from California may face charges if they attempt to play online poker at international sites. Land of freedom doesn’t grant liberty in every part of live it seems.

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Journalist, sociologist, passionate about writing and music. Especially jazz music, so can be defined as a jazz journalist too. Besides these, loves writing about everything from extreme sports to gambling or fashion sociology. Wine, Coffee and Winter fan, and a real OPTIMIST.

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