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Things to do After Guessing Powerball Winning Numbers


Holding a ticket with Powerball winning numbers on it is every American’s dream. But wouldn’t it be a bit frightening if it happened to someone? Ok, frightening only for the first few seconds before the outburst of satisfaction. Well, here are some tips to follow if the big day comes into your life.  

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Don’t Spill The Beans

First and most important, whatever great is your happiness, try to keep calm. It means, your fist thing shouldn’t be to create a social media post – or more – because it is the worst you can do. (Think of those, who post their summer holiday destinations and find their house being robbed after they return.) Keep your Powerball winning numbers for yourself.

Sign Your Ticket

This step is necessary in order to get your payout. If you have the winning ticket without having been signed, someone else can claim the money by using his/her name. As Tracey Cohen, the interim executive director of the D.C.Lottery strengthened, two forms of identification is required to get the payout. So you take your signed ticket with two forms of matching identification and the money is yours.

In that case if you are playing online, the conditions are quite secure. Obviously, you don’t need to sign your online ticket, but you should check the theLotter.

Stay In The Background, Be Anonymous With Your Powerball Winning Numbers

You are recommended to select anonymity as a priority, and even if it’s not offered for you, there are many ways to keep everything private. In some states, winners’ names are required to be made public, however staying anonymous is a highly advocated option suggested by the CEO of LearnVest Alexa Von Tobel points out some problematic issues for lottery winners, from robberies to murders. Therefore, anonymity has great significance here.

Congregate Your Own Financial Team

Prior to the announcement of your Powerball winning numbers, you had better to hire an estate planner, a financial planner and an accountant, says Alexa Von Tobel. While you are doing this, you have to check their professional background and the estimated price of their services.

 Make Calculations and Don’t Blow Your Money Irresponsibly

Experts suggest to wait between 6 months and 1 year before touching the money based on a study conducted by the Camelot Group in 2015. According to their results, 44 percent of winners blow their entire money in the first 5 years.

So we suggest you to take these facts into consideration and handle your winning wisely. When you feel ready in mind for winning Powerball, try to play Powerball online and read more related stories on online gambling news.

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About the author

Journalist, sociologist, passionate about writing and music. Especially jazz music, so can be defined as a jazz journalist too. Besides these, loves writing about everything from extreme sports to gambling or fashion sociology. Wine, Coffee and Winter fan, and a real OPTIMIST.

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