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Casino Bonuses

Unibet Promo Offers a Share of €1,000 Every Tuesday

usa flag restrictedUnibet 1k Promotion
Bonus TypeFree Cash
BonusA share of €1,000
Bonus CodeNone
Wagering Requirements €5 to €10
Max CashoutNone
ValidEvery Tuesday
Restricted CountriesAfghanistan, Australia, Denmark, Estonia, Ethiopia, France and other French territories, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Syria, Turkey, USA and other US territories, or Yemen

Be a winner every Tuesday with this recurring Unibet Promo offering a share of as much as €1,000 in cash drops.

Unibet‘s newest promotion is one of its most exciting yet. Play one (or all!) of the 5 games eligible for the promotion, win, and grab your free cash drop ranging from €5 to €20. All you need to do is wager €10 on any of the eligible games to enter the prize draw and win your share of €1,000.

The games qualifying for this exciting Unibet Promo are Gonzo’s QuestTwin SpinStarburstJack and the Beanstalk, and Spinata Grande.

Best of all, mobile device users only need wager as little as €5.00 to enter the prize draw. If you were ever curious about even one of the above listed games, and it’s Tuesday, then Unibet‘s the best bet you can make.

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About the author

Max Salnikov is a freelance writer who likes art, reading, writing stories, playing video games, and self-improvement, one word at a time.

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