Gambling Herald
  • Gambling news
    BitGirls – Efforts to Rebrand Bitcoin in Japan

    Japan is looking to give virtual currencies another with a thrilling TV show dubbed BitGirls, following the 2014 cryptocurrency incident. (Image credit: CoinTelegraph) BitGirls will be just like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, only better! (Let’s hope.) It’s slated to be released on October 3 with the aim of rebranding virtual currencies in Japan; it will feature […]

  • Gambling news
    Does Using Virtual Currencies Pose a Real Threat?

    European Parliament’s Economic Committee has been discussing the potential benefits and harms which can stem from using virtual currencies. The committee’s report is expected to have a significant effect on the attitude of the European Union towards the new technology which is highly regarded by the online gaming world. Benefits and Supports Online gambling fans usually […]
